Thalassemia-Free Foundation-SHENZHEN Hemogen Therapeutic Co.,Ltd,简称: HGI.


Thalassemia-Free Foundation

“Thalassemia-Free Foundation” was founded on February 28th 2022with the purpose of helping thalassemia and sickle cell disease patients in order to achieve a thalassemia free world together.

Up until July 2022, more than 16560 samples from 5715 families were collected and 601 TDT patients successfully found HLA-matched donors. This brings hope to TDT patients and their families.

We really hope that more TDT patients will contact us for sample collection and welcome other NGOs to use our database to find HLA-matched donors for TDT patients.

HGI will continue helping TDT patients find HLA-matched donors and is committed to the development and improvement of gene therapy.